The Rivergreenway Trail, a set of trails connecting Decatur Parks and Recreation, St. Mary’s Nature Preserve, Kekionga Park, Adams Memorial Hospital, and American Legion Park in a large loop west of St. Mary’s River. Adams Memorial Hospital Life Fitness Trail connects to the Rivergreenway Trail.

County: Adams
City: Decatur
Mileage: 2.8
North Endpoint - Specific: Decatur Parks & Recreation
South Endpoint - Specific: Adams Memorial Hospital
Notable Trailhead: - Decatur Parks & Recreation, St. Mary's Nature Preserve, Kekionga Park, Adams Memorial Hospital, American Legion Park
Type of Trail: Rail Trail, River Trail, Sidepath
Surface: paved
Uses allowed: walking, biking, hiking
Wheelchairs allowed: yes
Which uses NOT allowed: motorized vehicles
Attractive Features: Crosses St. Mary's River, St. Mary's Nature Preserve, connects to Kekionga Park and American Legion Park

Decatur-Adams County Parks & Recreation
231 E Monroe Street
Decatur, IN 46733
More Information
The Rivergreenway Trail is Decatur’s premiere trail for alternative transportation, allowing residents greater access to far-ranging locations across the city without starting their car. The trail has a presence on both sides of St. Mary’s River, and runs very close to downtown Decatur. It links with parks, the hospital, and commercial areas. Decatur is a more walkable and bicycle friendly city because of the Rivergreenway Trail.