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Despite signage indicating differently, the Decatur-Adams County Parks & Recreation insists that there is no such trail or pathway as the Kekionga Pathway.  The trail in Decatur is the Rivergreenway Trail.

Anderson Trails: Welcome


County: Adams

City: Decatur

Mileage: -

Notable Trailhead: -

Anderson Trails: Opening Hours
Anderson Trails: Opening Hours

More Information

Kekionga was the capital of the Miami Nation, near Fort Wayne, Indiana.  The location was important to traders as it was at the head of the Maumee River which offered portage to rivers that fed into the Wabash River.  Kekionga’s position allowed for portage of boats coming from Lake Erie to the Wabash which fed into the Ohio, Mississippi, and eventually the Gulf of Mexico.  As a result, the French, British, and Americans all built trading posts at Kekionga. The seal of the City of Fort Wayne has the name Kekionga on it.

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